Multimedia advertising machine

The advertising machine is a new generation of intelligent equipment. It forms a complete advertising broadcast control system through terminal software control, network information transmission and multimedia terminal display, and uses multimedia materials such as pictures, text, videos, and widgets (weather, exchange rates, etc.) Advertising. The original idea of the advertising machine was to change advertising from passive to active, so the interactivity of the advertising machine makes it have many public service functions and use this to attract customers to actively browse advertisements.

The mission of the advertising machine at the beginning was to change the passive communication mode of advertising and attract customers to actively browse advertisements through interaction. The development direction of advertising machines has also continued this mission: intelligent interaction, public services, entertainment interaction, etc.

product advantages:

1. Time domain
The ultimate goal of the advertising machine is to occupy the advertising market share. Since the advertising machine can carry out advertisements beyond time constraints and space restrictions, making advertisements free from time and space constraints, media companies will play advertisements in more time periods, and the advertising machines will play advertisements 24 hours a day. On call anytime, anywhere. According to the requirements of many media companies, general advertising machines have a power-on and off-time period to play advertisements, effectively disseminating and displaying the effectiveness of advertisements.

2. Multimedia
Advertising machine design can spread a variety of media messages. Such as text, sound, images and other information, making ignorant, boring and abstract advertisements more vivid and humane. And can give full play to the creativity and initiative of media companies.

3. Personalization
The promotion on the advertising machine is one-to-one, rational, consumer-led, non-forced, and step-by-step. It is a low-cost and humane promotion that avoids the interference of salesmen's strong sales and provides information through Build long-term and good relationships with consumers.

4. Growth
Advertising machines have become a market channel that has great development potential because most of the viewers of advertising advertisements are young, middle-class, and highly educated groups. Since these groups have strong purchasing power and strong market influence, they have great potential for development.

5. Advancement
Advertising machines get rid of the previous traditional advertising models, such as traditional distribution of leaflets, newspapers and periodicals, etc. Advertising machines are environmentally friendly, energy-saving, multi-faceted and provide various types of communication, and are easily accepted by the broad masses.

6. Efficiency
Advertising machines can store a large amount of information, and can transmit information with far higher quality and accuracy than other media. They can also update information or make adjustments in a timely manner in response to market demand, thus meeting customer needs in a timely and effective manner.

Advertising through advertising machines can replace leaflets, newspapers, and TV advertisements. On the one hand, it can reduce the cost of printing, mailing, and expensive TV advertisements. On the other hand, CF cards and SD cards can be rewritten multiple times to reduce losses caused by multiple exchanges.

8. Technical
Advertising machines are based on high technology and are used as equipment for media companies. To implement promotions, certain technical support must be provided to change traditional concepts and meet the needs of media companies and customers. The company needs to have knowledge of advertising machine operation, computer technology, video editing, and image processing. Only compound talents who are proficient in the application of these technologies can have competitive advantages in the future market.

9. Extensiveness
Advertising machines are widely used and can be used in large supermarkets, clubs, plazas, hotels, government agencies and homes. The advertising content is highly effective and updates quickly, and the content can be changed at any time.Cjtouch welcomes your inquiries


Post time: Jul-23-2024